Meet the Author: Dawn McCahon
Twenty seven years ago I gave birth to my miracles through in vitro fertilization. We had tried for several years to have a family and finally, with the help of Dr. Miguel Damian and Dr. Eric Daiter, I became pregnant! Finally our dream of having a family came true! As I watched my children grow into amazing little people, I thought, how am I going to tell them the incredible story of how they were created? I wanted them to know that their existence was not just by chance, I wanted them to know how our family began and what an amazing experience it was!
So began my writing journey... This book has been a labor of love; often put aside to raise my growing family only to go back again and again to try and finish what I started so many years ago. There were many times I gave up, other writers and illustrators telling me it was too hard and not a place for it at this time, and then like another miracle I was introduced to my illustrator, Morgan Spicer. It wasn't by chance that we met. It was serendipitous! My granddaughter, Arianna, met her first and brought home one of her books! Isn't it amazing a child is the one who made this happen!
Morgan took my words and brought them to life with her incredible artwork. Now I was finally able to share my story the way I always pictured it. Now I could share my experience with IVF, not only with my family but with other people who have started their families differently as well. I hope my story can help other families explain to their children how much they were wanted and how families start in so many different ways but that LOVE is always the common ingredient!